About 36

No-nonsense, high quality and stylish
The main goal of 36 is to contribute to a pleasant cycling experience. The way we do this is to create cycling wear in the highest quality of products, with the right characteristics and appealing designs.
Because of these high standards we keep our line of products transparent, no-nonsense and above all qualitative! Our collections and customized kits are the proof that being stylish and affordable goes well together.
Knowledge and experience
The team behind 36 cycling are well experienced and are still surrounded by professional cycling daily. Being the supplier of our own Pro-cycling team gives us the change to test and try our products in the category “heavy users’ first, what leads to great analysis to apply on our entire collection. This makes 36 cycling the best choice in every level of cycling.
36, the magic number
Most of the times they are invisible: rituals or superstition on athletes. The adjusted habits are often a small signs of seeking comfort or giving the feeling of being relaxed.
An athlete can have a lucky number. At cycling #36 is such a number!
Fausto Coppi was a cyclist who gave #36 mythic values. Therefore #36 was his magical number. Pinned with #36 on his back he became a hero in Lombardi. He also won the 36th Tour de France. It was meant to be … he was able to race at the highest level till the age of 36.
In the year of 1936 Theo Middelkamp, was the first Dutch Cyclist who won a Tour de France stage. Magne was the winner of the Tour de France with #36. Firmin Lambot was aged 36 the oldest winner of the Tour de France ever. Leontien van Moorsel won her most beautiful race with #36: The Olympic Title in Sydney...
The Number seems to have a magical attraction and balance. There is an undefinable balance between the two backwards numbers. Like two opposites who need each other to survive. Mathematical 36 is a number that both a square number as a triangle number and therefore it has exceptional characteristics. Within numerology it’s simple: it’s a lucky number!